Imagine being able to...

Live your purpose

Be seen and heard

Have unshakeable confidence

Quiet your mind and sleep soundly

Wake up feeling energized and excited

Navigate chaos and uncertainty with grace

Enjoy peace and fulfillment in your relationships

Possess a deep, internal knowing that you will thrive

Enjoy a balanced life, free of stress and overwhelm

Take your life to the next level with ease

Achieve your goals consistently

Get paid what you're worth

Have a career you love

Feel good in your body

Sydel’s course was one of the best Investments I’ve ever made in myself.

After several years of therapy, I was still feeling stuck - in strained relationships with my teens and in a job I needed to get out of. With the help of Sydel’s big heart, gentle and wise encouragement, CCJ tools, and a fabulous group of peers, I left her course lighter and more at peace. Within six months, I’d landed the new job and took a soul-filling trip with my family, and am grateful beyond words.

I recommend the course for anyone looking to make more of their lives, and be happier while doing it. You’ll gain insight into yourself, and the people around you, and a path to being your best, fulfilled self. 


By far the best soul work I have done.
The clarity course provided me with many tools as I navigate changes in my personal and professional life. I especially love the daily meditation questions and journaling, which helped me get clear and specific about my desires. Using these tools helped me to co-create my desired experiences, manage my fear and cut down the noise in my head. I would recommend this course to anyone experiencing change in their life.

Shebba Williams

Not only does Sydel coach, she shows you the way to discover who you are!
At a challenging time in my life, Sydel and I reconnected and I was able to join her program. It was a delight to discover new approaches and connect with like-minded people. 

Lucy Carone Elliot

Make Shift Happen:
How to Effortlessly Create a Life of Purpose & Joy

Experience a wonderful blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness, and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are.

This awe-inspiring live online course taught live via Zoom includes weekly Live-Withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching partner mid-week to land the learning and solidify the group.

Come away with a greater sense of PERSONAL FREEDOM and awareness.

Gain CLARITY about who you are, what you want, and how to get there.

Get ready to be TRANSFORMED.

If you're looking for skilled support, accountability and compassionate, gentle guidance, Sydel provides it all and so much more.

The course is structured to provide a gradual, profound assessment of where you are in your life, what obstacles you need to overcome to live a more fulfilling life, and what steps you need to take to become your best self.  If you want to invest in yourself for the long-term and need to jumpstart a new life plan, I can't recommend highly enough that you take this course with Sydel. 

Jennifer Laessig

Sydel has a marvelous way to add a whopping dose of “creativity” into your ability to approach the life that’s in front of you! 

Sydel’s coaching program adds so many new tools to your arsenal of life skills!! You will take a regular day and see it as a totally miraculous experience. You will have available to you what you need to change perspective on any event, hence, changing the outcome of that event in your favor.

Karen Floyd

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