Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaches are professionals who have been trained to work with you to identify any gaps in your life and support you in realizing your full potential on all levels—personally, professionally, and spiritually. They lead you along the path to the life you've always wanted—the life that's right for you. Life coaches help you get out of your own way.

Why might I need a Life Coach?

A life coach can help you find answers to why you might be feeling stuck and guide you to getting where you want to go. For example, many years ago I was in an unfulfilling career and didn't know what I should be doing instead. A coach helped me discover my purpose and move beyond my fears of starting a new business. I also hired a coach to guide me on my writing and speaking journey, which saved me many years (not to mention energy and frustration) by not trying to figure it out all by myself. Coaching got me where I wanted to go faster, easier, and more gracefully.

What's the difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist?

What a personal trainer is to a doctor, a life coach is to a therapist. In other words, life coaching enables healthy people to set higher goals, realize them, and experience greater levels of fulfillment in their lives.

What's included in the Clarity Catalyst Journey course?

Experience a wonderful blend of experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, sharing in a safe space, and weekly "Live-Withs" to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world. Other than practicing the tools, there is no homework.

The course includes 12 x 2-hour sessions taught Live via Zoom. After each class, you will be emailed a link to the Zoom recording, a PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation, and a screensaver with the "Live With" for that week.

Meaningful conversations with your peer coaching partner mid-week land the learning and solidify the group.

You also receive 6 x 45-minute private 1:1 coaching sessions with Sydel so that you can get personalized help on achieving your goals.

You may choose to participate in the optional 21-day journaling and meditation challenge, which is encouraged but not required. Also included is a closed WhatsApp Group with only participants from your class.

What if I have to miss a class?

All classes are recorded and a link will be sent to you within one day. You are free to download recordings and watch as many times as you like.

How much time will I need to commit to this course?

You'll be interested to know that people who take this class actually feel like they have MORE time since their relationship with time shifts once they learn to live more in the moment. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Apart from classroom time, the course includes one additional 30-minute peer coaching call per week.

What's your privacy policy?

What happens in CCJ stays in CCJ! All participants are required to commit to the strictest confidentiality. Our deepest learning and growth happen in the safe space of community, where we hold space for one another and lift each other higher. You are welcome to share the tools you learn, but not what others have shared about themselves or their experiences.

What materials are needed for the course?

You will need: a new journal that you love, a notebook and pen to take notes during class, Post-It notes, six 3x5 cards, and a small meditation cushion.

What's your refund policy?

We guarantee you will love this course, touted to be the most life-transforming course ever to be taught at Stanford University. If you attend all classes, practice all the tools, complete all the "Soulwork", participate in all the peer coaching, and do not feel you have received any benefits, we will refund you 100%. If you are unable to start the course for the dates you enrolled, you may put your enrollment on hold and take the class at a later date, if needed.


Have more questions?

Get in touch.

Please tell me what's on your mind and the best time to reach you. I look forward to connecting!